
Workshop for professionals and business to develop and improve customer service
29 Jun 2018

Under the patronage and presence of the Mayor of Aley, Mr. Wajdi Murad and Dr. Mona Akl, member of the municipal council, the municipality of Aley organized, in cooperation and coordination with the Lebanese Development Association - the group and the "Right to Play" Project Manager, the Druze Women's Society, represented by the Vice President of the Association and the Chairperson of the Committee, Ms. Camelia Halimi Ballan, organized a workshop under the "BEAT" project to train young professionals and entrepreneurs on the importance of developing and improving customer service and hospitality at the Municipal Cultural Center High.

Presented by Dr. "Robert Sharaf" Master Hotel Management / PhD in Agricultural Sciences and Trainer.
Dr. Sharaf explained the steps to establish a project saying:

The steps necessary for the success of any project, you first need to the experience, study, timing and hard work.
He also stressed the importance of work ethic, which is an integrated system of behaviors prevailing in the work environment and in the business environment in particular and is a form of applied ethics, from the treatment of employees among themselves or between them and their managers or even with customers and to  strive to achieve them.

Then there should be a study of the market and the surrounding environment and the needs and what is not available in the region, and the goods or services required, where you can open a project that provides them with some of these needs. Conduct a feasibility study of the project in terms of: capital, costs, expected profits from the project, and prospects for the project's success or failure. Start the project by choosing the right place and time, preparing the place, preparing the tools and goods required for the project and arranging it in the place decoration. Marketing the project in different ways (marketing flyers.)
Then there were exchange of information and presentation of ideas and experiences.

Who owns history has the future

Wajdi Mrad

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